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Name/Nick: tRaViEsa2o9
City/State: tUrLoCk CaLiFaZ
Date/Time: 8/22/2006 12:46:35 PM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
DoNt GoT ONe ThErE AlL AigHt!
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
Da NigHt OwL El mR.Lil Uno And i GuEsS I CouLd Say Lil QueTe am i RitE??? pLz. CorReCt Me If iM WroNg!!!!!!!!
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
dA dICkiEs With Da WhItE & Blk TanKz AnD On Da WeEkeNdS A ShoRt SexY SkirT.!!!!!!!!!! tHaTz RitE...
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
Of CouRse My RiDe A cRySleR m300. Dont Get It WrOnG ItZ a '98.....
Favorite movie(s)::
The sports team you support the most is::
The magazine you read the most::
>>>>>>>>>>>CuZ It ShOwZ alL ThEm NeW PoSitIonS!!!
The best book you ever read::
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
Me DonT LeT No OnE PuT ME Down And ThE mOst ImPoRTAnT nOt A FOLlOwEr aND AlWaYz gET wUT i waNt!!
Favorite hobbies::
SmOkiN NoThIn BUt THe BeSt.. DrInKiNg NoThin BuT The ChEapEsT KicKinG BaCk With AlL ThE HoMiEs!!N OtHER WoRdZ .......dRiNkIn.Up.SmOkiN.DoWn..........

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