2Mex - B Boys In Occupied Mexico

Cuidad de Los Angeles, Ca. (BP) - A well-known artist from the Mid-City area, known as 2Mex, has just released an album that has the whole hip-hop community in an uproar. Gaining recognition as a member of the respected Visionaries crew and establishing himself as half of O.M.D. (Of Mexican Descent), 2Mex has succeeded in creating a poetic epic- as well as a musical masterpiece. With forward-thinking, he has rewound the whole scene: taking us back to the raw energy that originally motivated ghetto residents to artistic expression. In the first place, hip-hop was a key for escaping an environment of frustration, and provided relief from drowning surroundings. Serving as a Ghost Writer for a burgeoning Hip-Hop following, he becomes an author of everybody’s autobiography. By representing common urban problems (broken homes, addiction, and depression), he reaches out to the multitudes who could relate. For us it’s a pleasure to let you all know, welcome to B-Boys in Occupied Mexico.

The track “L.A. (like...)” pays homage to the city’s underground scene, with rhymes that echo of hip-hop’s past. 2Mex walks us down memory lane (via graffiti-filled alleyways, of course) to another time & space this music phenomena exploded. He brings to light the elements of hip-hop by mentioning pioneers of the movement: including, d.j.s Rob One and AWOL One, the CBS and LTS graff crews, and the famous L.A. Breakers. In a rhyming shout-out style, he gives props to torchbearers that carried on the urban tradition throughout the years (among them are: The Shapeshifters, Freestyle Fellowship, Jurrassic-5, Dilated Peoples and the Black Eyed Peas). The role the KDAY radio show played in filling the airwaves with freshness, and the way Hex's groundbreaking Hip-Hop Shop on Melrose provided an outlet for the public, are also called to mind. The popular rivalries between Garfield and Roosevelt high school football teams and the notorious party lines make all die-hard Angelinos reminisce.

Like a true b-boy, 2mex's Fear of the drums is apparent in his song titled "Percussion Precaution". While urging listeners to be aware of the music, he goes into an amazing play on words describing the names of sounds; showing a profound respect for the drumbeat, and an ingenious lyrical ability. Another poetic gem on this album is called "M is for Memo" (an entire song comprised of words that begin with the letter M). Both, testify of 2Mex's writing prowess.

When joined with Xololanxinxo, O.M.D. takes us on a spiritual journey to another dimension... a dimension not only of Light with sound, but in the mind. Breaking all physical boundaries, their concepts penetrate deep into the soul of any listener. By giving thanks to the Most High, they illustrate how humble is, indeed, "The Style of the Day”. Fermin of Control Machete (Monterrey, Mexico) combines cosmic forces with 2Mex and Xololanxinxo displaying solidarity on the track “Control Mexica.” O.M.D. starts off the song in English, and Control Machete flips their verse in Spanish, both representing por El Hombre Mexicano, who’s a stranger on his own land. It doesn’t matter what side of the border we reside on, the struggles are the same.

"Across & Down" sounds like a social commentary of the times. With exploding word clusters from the imagination, 2Mex seems to capture the very essence of our current world situation, and also the role our great artform plays in exposing it. Narcs with rowdy mace, headlines planting warheads into space, Anheiser forty orchids in a vase. Damn, it is ill, the way he seems to move his mind at will!

Behind the Music of the Mask, Sick Jacken and 2-Mex collaborate on “Doctors, Drums, and Danger”. Like a couple of mystical Indian priests conjuring spirits with revelations and snatching wack souls from their shells with the fluidity of their flows. All you remember is the drums... the rest is just a blurr. Focusing on their verbal barrage, imagery of police scenes, surveillance, and rocking underground crowds raw-documentary-style, makes the harassment all worthwhile.

An "Offering" is filled with indigenious symbolism, heavily-ladened with spiritial connotations. Combining sounds of pain with words of faith reveal an ultimate truth: acquiring a closeness to God cannot be accomplished without sacrifice.

Proving himself to be the well-balanced artist these mean streets are yearning for, 2Mex gives us glimpses of himself through personal skits throughout the album. At times, even sharing painful feelings of rejection, self-doubt and loneliness (as with the tracks entitled "Wonderful Memories" and "I Didn't Mean to Touch Your Hand"). Afterward, a soothing interlude repeats "I'm gonna Love You the Same". That's right. This underground philosopher expresses another priceless reality: you can conquer negativity with four words "...love,love,love,and love". How's that for breaking the mold.

Another highlight (one of the many on this c.d.) is 2Mex's spoken word intro on a track that has vocalist Angie Gonzalez singing beautiful words of encouragement. Yes, you do have to believe in yourself. If you don't, why would anybody else? The distinction between false pride and confidence is made clear, when she reminds us that we are All in this together.

The last track is appropriately titled "The Truth". Jerry Quickly teams up con el 2Mex to bash the system, with a no-holds-barred approach to the matter. Commenting on everything, from the deceptive media to america's incorporated symbols of conquest, this duo lays all the cards on the table. Using a "show" and "prove" theorem, they show us how cases like Mumia Abu-Jamal and Tyisha Miller proove that the balances of justice are tilted against us. But all hope shall not be lost. Remember, we loose Him, He never lost us. The Shepherd loves His flock... God bless hip-hop!

This is Gato and Sal reporting from behind enemy lines.

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