Afro-Mexican Photo Exhibition | Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sal Rojas on Location in Guerrero, Mexico | Photo by Renzo Devia
Afro-Mexican Photo Exhibition Saturday, September 5, 2009
On Saturday, September 5, 2009 photographer Sal Rojas will exhibit photos taken during his trip to Costa Chica, Mexico during the filming of AfroLatinos.
Sal Rojas is the founder of www.BrownPride.comand has been a photographer for the Latin scene in Los Angeles and other parts of the U.S. BrownPride has been around for over 10 years and get millions of hit monthly. It covers the Chicano and Latino lifestyle in the U.S.
Sal Rojas met Renzo Devia over 7 years ago on a television show Renzo was producing called Urban Latino TV. Renzo has always supported BrownPride and promoted the site during the TV shows www.AmericanLatino.tv and www.LatiNation.tv.
Renzo and Sal have built a friendship over the years promoting artists and Latinos in all areas of their respective fields. Renzo sold his company American Latino TV in 2008 and started the documentary AfroLatinos "The Untaught Story". Sal Rojas's photography, which can be viewed at (www.salrojas.com) has caught the attention of many people and he has been invited to exhibit in Mexico, Spain and all over the U.S.
Renzo invited Sal Rojas to join him in Mexico this past March to his shoot for the documentary. Sal Rojas, who is of Mexican descent, was very interested in learning more on the subject. Renzo and Sal Rojas traveled to a town on the west Coast of Mexico called Costa Chica in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca. They were shocked at what they discovered, that for miles and miles what they saw was Afromexicanos. They spent two weeks traveling throughout Afro communities and saw first hand how Afromexicans are treated and how they live.
They were welcomed by Father Glyn Jemmott, who is originally from Trinidad, and who has dedicated his life to Costa Chica for the past 25 years. Father Glyn has worked to better the lives of Afromexicans and has done extensive work to educate people about this 4% of total Mexican population.
Sal Rojas has captured the essence of these communities and the beautiful faces of Afromexicanos. His entire collection will be shown in the documentary and website www.AfroLatinos.tv.
With this exhibition, Sal and the AfroLatinos team intend to educate people of the African presence in Mexico. These are people that are invisible to the rest of the country and most of the world. The truth is that they are Mexicans; they are of African descent and live in the poorest parts of the country. They are the forgotten, but through this exhibition and documentary they will do their part to inform people and help create solutions to problems in AfroLatino communities.
Afro-Latinos "The Untaught Story" is a documentary television series independently produced by Creador Pictures, LLC. The program will illustrate history and celebrate the rich culture of people in Latin America of African descent. This documentary takes you on a journey to meet Afro-Latinos throughout Spanish and Portuguese speaking nations and an exploration and appreciation of their culture. It will also teach the uninformed and hopefully initiate social change throughout Latin America.
The exhibit, which is called "The Third Root," will take place from 6-11 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 5 at Calacas, 324 W. Fourth St. Unit B, in downtown Santa Ana, California. You can check out the photos Tuesday through Saturday, Sept. 12, during store hours, which are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Call 714-662-2002 or visit www.calacasinc.com.
For more information on AfroLatinos the documentary please visit us at: www.Afrolatinos.tv.
Creador Pictures, LLC
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