Amerika by Thief Sicario | BP Music Video

Thief Sicario by Sal Rojas Photography

Thief Sicario Photo Credit: Touch (

Click Here for Thief Sicario's "AMERIKA" BP Music Video

"AMERIKA" - Thief Sicario (c) 2008 Realizm Rekords

I'm Anahuac the One World, the Aztec dancer/ the Klan member, the Brown Beret the Black Panther/ the political prisoner, I'm Timothy McVeigh/ Martin Luther King, and James Earl Ray/ performin' in Vegas, as an Elvis impersonator/ I'm the man with his hand, on the nuclear detonator/ I'm the illegal immigrant, at the same time the native/ the rightful heir to this land, livin' on a reservation/ the factory worker, the welfare recipient/ the kingpin in jail, whose books are indigent/ I'm the last of a breed, quickly dyin' off/ the cop on the riot squad, that just can't quiet mobs/ defyin' God, I condemn cowards to hell/ I'm the devils face in the smoke, when the Twin Towers fell/ I'm all the resources, and all of the ills/ I'm the words in Latin on the back, of the dollar bill/ I am Amerika, I'm the contradiction/ I'm the system, the assailant and his victim/ I am Amerika, land of lies and deceit/ where if you can't cheat, you're forced to meet defeat/ I am Amerika, the opressed internal nations/ the anarchist, out to destroy civilization/ Guadalupe Hidalgo, forty acres and a mule/ the people who built pyramids, with primitive tools/ I am Amerika, the Mayan lord the Anasazi/ I'm the Jew that changed his name, to join the Nazis/ I'm the Mexican immigrant, workin' for border patrol/ the NRA member, that supports gun control/ I'm the Hollywood sign, the hooker the pimp/ the Sureno the Latin King, the Blood the Crip/ I'm the Statue of Liberty, Sitting Bull and Custer/ the radical feminist, on the cover of Hustler/ I am Amerika, I'm Capone and Ness/ the homophobe, at home in a dress/ I'm the pilgrim in the Mayflower, that landed at Plymoth rock/ the kid with ADHD, that's got a mental block/ I am Amerika, the Republican the Democrat/ the solid convict, with honor and then the rat/ I'm the vato sayin' 'q-vo', and the dunn sayin' 'word life'/ I'm ya third strike, for gettin' caught with a herb pipe/ I'm the Afrikan slave, with his throat in a slipknot/ I'm the Skinhead, that listens to hip hop/ I am Amerika, or should I say Amerigo Vespucci/ I'm JFK Oswald, and Jack Ruby/ watchin' 'I Love Lucy', on the island with Gilligan/ in front of the parole board, swearin' I'll never kill again/ I am Amerika, the terrorist the patriot/ the Communist the Satanist, the Christian the Atheist/ I'm Pearl Harbor Rodney, King and Mark Fuhrman/ the Arab at Circle K, rockin' a turban/ I am Amerika, Pun E Pac and Biggie/ I'm the greatest the never was, on the block with a semi/ I'm the doctor denyin', sick people health care/ the Vietnam vet, handin' out flags from a wheelchair/ I am Amerika, innovator of styles/ I'm the racist, with a biracial child/ I am Amerika, the gang bangin' Lowrider/ the one percenter, the outlaw biker/ the child molestin' priest, clenchin' a Bible/ I'm the environmentalist, that never recycles/ I am Amerika, the drug smugglin' cop/ in the Rampart District, tellin' kids to stop/ Land of the Free with the most prisoners, on the entire earth/ I'm Billy the Kid in Tombstone, with Wyatt Earp/ I am Amerika, I'm Christopher Colombus/ Mount Rushmore and Columbine, I'm the killers among us/ I'm Magic Johnson, with the LA Lakers/ the Declaration of Independence, written on hemp paper/ I am Amerika, the discrimination/ and mobilization, towards globalization/ I'm the Mafia hitman, with a gun in his case/ the hina with too much, make up on her face/ I'm Marilyn Monroe, overdosed in a bed/ Kurt Cobaine with a gage, as he hopes for lead/ I am Amerika, I'm Lewinsky and Clinton/ Clint Eastwood, John Wayne and Nixon/ I'm the land the people, the good the evil/ the fradulent preacher, under the steeple/ I'm David Duke and Malcolm X, conceived by crooks/ I'm Bishop De Landa burnin' the sacred books/ I'm the stars the stripes, the bars the strife/ the accountant with road rage, in his car with a knife/ I'm the eagle the snake, and the mapleleaf/ the Colombien drug lord, the real the make believe/ I'm the Conquistador, from the foreign shore/ holdin' up the peace sign, secretly supportin' war/ I'm the minority, but at the same time the dominant/ I'm the name of two, whole entire continents/ I'm the coverup at Roswell, the Illuminati/ at Area 51, housin' alien bodies/ I'm John Gotti, and Paul Castellano/ the WOP the WASP, Mexicano Chicano/ city slicker, with a country accent/ serial killer, canibal with a hatchet/ I'm George W Bush, fillin' veins with lethal fluid/ the people dyin' for crimes, they had nothin' to do with/ I'm Willie Nelson and Bruce Lee, in a Mercury/ Michael Jackson Boy Bands, and plastic surgery/ I'm Bill Gates the Brittish, Invasion the Asians/ I'm Miss Cleo fakin', like she was a Jamaican/ I'm the projects the varrios, the ghettos the burbs/ the farms and the graffitti, written on the curb/ I am Amerika, the riot starter the looter/ the hacker breakin' through, to Pentagon computers/ I'm Pancho Villa Che Guevara, Emiliano Zapata/ George Washington Lincoln, and revolutionaries locked up/ I'm prolife, but still I support the death penalty/ I am Amerika, I am the enemy/...

Thief Sicario "Amerika" Education of a Felon
(c) 2008 Realizm Rekords

MIC MC and Thief Sicario Photo Credit: Touch (

Education of a Felon: The Life and Times of Thief Sicario


1.Veteranz Day (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
2.We Ain't Playin' ft. Trafek, Sawb-1 (Thief Sicario, Trafek, Sawb-1)
3.Never Hide ft. Santotzin, Maldito Villa (Thief Sicario, Santotzin, Maldito Villa)
4.Bring The Gunz (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
5.Peace Time Vets (Thief Sicario, Somnolence)
6.A Dedication to La Raza (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
7.Sounds From The Cohete (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
8.The Ventriloquest (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
9.Fifth Sun Eclipse (Thief Sicario, Elespecialista)
10.Lyrical Heavyweights ft. Trafek (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
11.Numbers (Thief Sicario, Elespecialista)
12.Kill The Rage (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
13.Adopted By The streets (Thief Sicario, Elespecialista)
14.In Prison and War (Thief Sicario, Shadow of Mankind)
15.Fifth Sun Eclipse II ft. Truth (Thief Sicario, Truth, Elespecialista )
16.Enemies Mourn You ft. Bad News (Thief Sicario, Bad News, Elespecialista)
17.Amerika (Thief Sicario, Trafek)
18.Se Acabo ft. Krazy Race, Mic Mc (Thief Sicario, Krazy Race, Mic Mc,Trafek)


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