Homegirls Art Show - Oct. 5th Oakland CA.

Curated by Mayra Ramirez | www.hellabreezys.com

Opening Reception: Saturday October 5th, 2013 7-11pm

Music by Margarita “Soulera” Galvan + VinylRichie

El Taco Bike
Jamaica + Pepino Homemade Aguas Frescas
By The Rodriguez Familia
Local beer + wine.

ARTISTS: El Angel, Hector Fong, Keith Stone, Elrod, Chamuco, Mitsy Avila Ovalles, Ben Grillo, Jon Garza, Crystal Galindo, Lucky Hellcat, Ramon Felix, Jason McAfee, Joshua DeLeon, Nani Chacon, Rob Benavides, Abraham Ortega, Aztec Styles.

“Homegirls” is a thrilling exhibit that celebrates and explores the aesthetics and history of the infamous “Chola” culture. In an era where identity and image are “cut and pasted” without thought, the Chola image has been replicated time and time again and so easily loses its true origins and meaning. This show is bringing together a group of cutting-edge visual artists from California, Arizona, and New Mexico to show their own interpretations of the culture while paying homage to the rich history of these queens of the barrio.

Originating during the 1940’s and continuing to today, the Chola lifestyle and image is based upon heritage, pride, and above all, respect. “Homegirls” sets to defy stereotypes and negative connotation by taking a complex and artistic look at the women whose looks have become so iconic. This show exemplifies the elements of Chola culture though the mediums of paint, digital graphics, traditional illustration and photography as presented by this collective of talented artists.

Amor Eterno Tattoo + Art Space
1227 18th Ave. Oakland, Ca 94606

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